Modeling for Integrated Water Quality Planning in Cleveland, Ohio

Principal Investigators

Dr. Martin T. Auer
Dr. David W. Watkins, Jr.
Dr. Pengfei Xue

Graduate Students

Zoe Miller
Nathan Zgnilec


January 2014 - December 2015


The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) has signed a consent decree to reduce combined sewer overflows (CSOs) discharging into Lake Erie and other receiving water bodies in the greater Cleveland area. Michigan Technological University is partnering with Wade Trim to conduct an integrated planning study to evaluate how various proposed system improvements including CSO control could influence water quality and three pollutants of concern (bacteria, phosphorus, and ammonia nitrogen). Michigan Technological University is using PCSWMM to run continuous simulations of discharges and pollutant loads throughout the system. Challenges have included a lack of geospatial data for existing EPA SWMM 4 models, areas where the EPA SWMM and the NEORSD collection system model overlap, and the large amounts of model input and output data that have to be processed. Results from simulations will serve as inputs to a lake hydrodynamic model, and ultimately they will be used to evaluate and potentially help prioritize water quality control alternatives for the region.


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